
Understanding of The Internet And Complexity Networks

The Internet

Although the Internet could fall under the previous section on the work of networking, we choose to give it its own section because it is unique and important. The internet, sometimes called simply the Net, is the largest and most far-flung network system of them all. Surprisingly, the Internet is not really a network at all but a loosely organized collection of about 25,000 networks accessed by computers worldwide. Many people are astonished to discover that no one owns the internet; it is run by volunteers. It has no central headquarters, no centrally offered services, and no comprehensive online index to tell you what information is available.

How can all the different types of computers talk to each other? They use a standardized protocol called Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). A user must access the Internet through a computer called a server, which has special software that uses the Internet protocol.

Originally developed and still subsidized by the united States government, the internet connects libraries, college campuses, research labs, and sign-up fees are paid, there are no extra chargers. Therefore, and this is a key drawing, card, electronic mail is free, regardless of the amount of use. In contras, individuals using the Internet on their own personal computers must pay ongoing monthly fees to whoever is their service provider.

Connect The Internet And Get Around With The Browser

The internet is available to individuals through third-party vendors, such as America Online. But the level of service may vary. Since the offered services change rapidly, along with the prices, we can only suggest that you ask before you sign up. Alternatively, individuals can install personal computer software and be billed at an hourly or monthly rate for access to the internet.

Since the internet did not begin as a commercial customer-pleasing package, it did not initially offer attractive options for finding information. The arcane commands were invoked only by a hardy and determined few. Furthermore, the vast sea of information grew, new ways were developed to tour the internet.

The most attractive method used to move around the internet is called browsing. Using a program called a browser, you can use a mouse to point and click on screen icons to navigate the internet, particularly the World Wide Web (the Web), an internet subset of text, images, and sounds linked together to allow users to peruse related topics. It is important, by the way, for web cruisers to have a fast modem, 14,400 bps or even 28,800 bps.

The Internet in Business

Are serious businesses in the Internet? you bet, General Electric, IBM, J.P. Morgan, Merrill Lynch, Motorola, Xerox, and others, to name a few, some portions of the internet, particularly those devoted to research and education, specifically ban commercial data such as advertising. However, much of the internet is embraced by-and supported-by-business. More than half of Internet network are business related.

There are both short-term and long term internet benefits for business people. In the sort term there there is e-mail, information gathering, collaboration with strategic partner, and even direct marketing, the latter must be done with care and imagination, perhaps a "test drive" or free sample: Internet subscribers give negative feedback to ordinary online junk mail. Long term, the most compelling reason for connecting is that the Internet presents the way business is going to be transacted in the future. For now, the Internet is the nearest thing to a working prototype of the coming information superhighway.

Subject of the internet

The subject of the internet is so complex that is has spawned newspaper columns, magazines, dozens of books, software access packages and special classes at libraries, campuses, and businesses around the world. In this brief section we can only glimpse the possibilities. Even so, you can appreciate the magnitude of the internet and its emerging importance. The future of the internet seems limitless. Many experts predict that the Internet is destined to become the centerpiece of all online communications.

The Complexity of Network

Network can be designed in an amazing variety of ways, from a simple in office group of three personal computers connected to a shared printer to a global spread including thousands of personal computers, minicomputers, and main frames. the latter, of course, would not be a single network but, instead, a collection of connected networks.

The toy company has a bus local area network for the marketing department, consisting of six personal computers, a modem used by outside field representatives to call in for price data, a shared laser printer, shared marketing program and data files, and a server. The Local Area Network for the design department also a bus network, consist of three personal computers, a shared printer, shared files, and a server. Both Local Area Networks use the Ethernet protocol and have client/server relationships. The design department sometimes sends its in-progress work to the marketing representatives for their evaluation; similarly, the marketing department sends new ideas from the field to the design department. The two departments communicate, one LAN to another, via a bridge. It makes sense to have two separate LANs, rather than one big LAN, because the two departments need to communicate with each other only occasionally.

In addition to communicating with each other, users on each LAN, both marketing and design, occasionally need to communicate with the main frame computer, which can be accessed through a gateway. all communication for the mainframe are handled by the front-end-processor. Users in the purchasing, administrative, and personnel departments have terminals attached directly to the mainframe computer. The mainframe also has a modem that connect to telephone lines and then, via satellite, to the mainframe computer at corporate headquarters in another state.

Example of a network
Example of a network

Network factors that add to complexity but are not specifically addressed, the electronic data interchange setups between the toy manufacturer's purchasing department and seven of its major customers, the availability of electronic mail  throughout the network, and the fact that-via a modem to an outside line-individual employees can access the Internet.

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