
How The Network Works

Think the million of telephones installed throughout the world, theoretically, you can call any  one of them. Further every one of these phones has the potential to be part of a networking system. Revolutionary changes are in full swing, but particularly in the offices.

The use of automation in the office is as varied as the offices themselves. As a general definition, however, office automation is the use of  technology to help people do their jobs better and faster. Much automated office innovation is based on communications technology. We begin this section with several important office technology topics-electronic mail, voice mail,facsimile technology, teleconfercing, and electronic data interchange.

Electronic Mail

Electronic mail, or e-mail, is the process of sending messages directly from one computer to another. A use can send data to a colleague downstairs, a message across town to that perso who is never available for phone calls, a query to the headquarters office in Switzerland, and even memos simultaneously to regional sales managers in Chicago, Releigh, and San Antonio.

Electronic Mail
Electronic Mail

Electronic mail works, of course, only if the intended receiver has the electronic mail facility to which the sender is connected. There are several electronic mail options. One option is for a user to enlist a third-party-service bureau that provides electronic mail service for its customers. Another option is to use is public data network such as the internet.

Electronic mail users shower it with praise. It crosses time zones, can reach many people with the same message, reduces the paper flood, and does not interrupt meetings the way a ringing phone does. Furthermore, with sofware called smart e-mail, e-mail's role is being broadened to display screen messages, schedule meetings, and even file expense reports.

Voice Mail

Vioce mail release workes from the tyranny of the telephone. Here is how voice mail typically works from the point of view of the user. If the person being called does not answer, the caller is given instruction to distate a message to the system. The voice mail computer system stores the message in the recipient's "voice mailbox" Later, when the recipient dial the mailbox, the system delivers the message.

Is voice mail just a fancy answering machine? They serve similar purposes, but they do not use the same storage techniques. A voice mail system translates the word of message into digital impulses, which it then stores on disk, just as any other data. Later the stored message is reconverted to audio from. There is one big difference between electronic mail and voice mail, however. To use electronic mail, you and the mail recipient must have compatible devices with a keyboard and able to use them. In contras,telephones are everywhere and everyone already knows how to use them.

Facsimile Technology

Operating something likea copy machine connected to a telephone, facsimile technology uses computer technology  and communication link to send quality graphics,text, chart, and even signatures almost anywhere in the world. The drawing-or whatever- is placed in the facsimile machine at one end, as shown in figur bellow

where it is digitized. those digits are transmitted across the miles and then reasembled at the  other and to form a nearly identical vertion of the original picture. All this takes only minutes-or less. Facsimile is not only faster than overnight delivery services, it is less expensive. Facsimile is abbreviated fax, as in " I sent a fax to the Chicago office".

Personal computer user can send receive faxes directly by means of a fax modem, which also perform the usual modem function. A user can send computer-generated text and graphics. When a fax comes in, it can be reviewed on the computer screen and printed out. The only missing in gredient in this scheme is paper; if the document to be sent is available only on paper, it must be scanned into the computer first or else be sent using a separate fax machine.


An office automation development with cost-saving potential is teleconferencing, a method of using technology to bring people and ideas together despite geographic barriers. There are several varieties of teleconferencing, but most common today is videoconferencing, whose components usually include a large screen, cameras that sac send live pictures, and an on-line computer system to record communication among participants. Although this setup is expensive to rent and even more expensive to own, the cost seem trivial when compared to travel expences-airfare, logding, meals-for in-person meetings.
Video converencing has some drawbacks. Some people are uncomfortable about their appearance on camera. A more serious fear is that the loss of personal contact will detract from some business functions, especially those related to sales.

A videoconfering system
A videoconfering system

Electronic Data Interchange

Business use a great deal of paper in transmitting orders. One method devised to cut down on paperwork is electronic data interchange (EDI). Electronic data interchange is a series  of standard format that allow businesses to transmit invoices, purchase orders, and the like electronically. In addition to eliminating paper-based ordering form, Electronic data interchange can help to eliminate errors in transmitting orders thst result from transcription mistakes made by people. Since electronic data interchange (EDI) orders go directly from one computer to another, the tedious process of filling out a form at one end and then keying it into the computer at the other end is eliminated.

Many firms use Electronic data interchange to reduce paperwork and personel costs. Some large firms, especially discounters such as Wal-Mart, require their suppliers to adopt Electronic data interchange and, in fact have direct computer hookups with their suppliers.

Electronic Fund Transfers: Instant Banking

Using electronic fund transfers (EFTs), people can pay for goods and services by having funds transferred from various accounts electronically, using computer technology. One of the most visible manivestations of Electronic Fund Transfers is the ATM-the automated teller machine thet people use to obtain cash quickly. A high-volume Electronic Fund Transfers application is the disbursement of millions of Social Security payments by the government directly into the recipients' checking accounts. Unlike those sent via U.S. mail, no such payment has ever been lost.

Electronic Data Interchange
Electronic Data Interchange

Electronic Fund Transfers are not limited to transfers between institutional and individuals. Banks and other financial institutions transfer funds among themselves electronically, on both the national and international level.

Bulletin Boards

Person-to-person data communication is one of the more  exhilarating ways of using your personal computer. A bulletin board system (BBS) uses data communications system to link personal computers to provide public-access message systems. Most  bulletin boards are formed to benefit  people in a club or with a common hobby; others are linked to a particular business.

Electronic bulletin boards are similar to the bulletin boards you see in laundromats or student or student lounges. Somebody  leave a message, but the person who pick it up does not have to know the person who left it. to get access to someone else's computer, all you really have to know is that computer's bulletin board phone number. You can use any kind of computer, but you need a modem so you can communicate over the phone lines.

Anyone who has a personal computer can set up a bulletin board. It takes a computer (usually with a hard disk drive) a phone line, a modem, and particular (inexpensive) software. You just tell a few people about your board, start up your computer using the Bulletin Board System software, and sit back and watch the messages start scrolling down your screen. but note that your computer must be left on to receive the calls.

Engineer work at home
Engineer work at home

Computer Commuting

A logical out com of computer networks is telecommuting, the substitution of communication and computer for the commute to work. A tele commuter works at home on a personal computer and probably uses the computer to communicate with office colleagues or customers. Although the original idea was that people would work at home all the time, tele commuting has evolved into a mixed activity. That is, most telecommuters stay home two or three days and week and come into the office the other days. Time in the office permits the needed face-to-face communication with fellow workers and also provides a sense of participation and continuity.

The idea telecommuting candidate is one who needs little personal contact with collegues, has acces to a quiet work space at home, is able towork with little supervision, and report to a supervisor who manages by results rather than by surveillance or a time clock. Although only a half million workers telecommuted in 1992, almost eight million are forecasted to do so by the year 2002. The numbers surely will continue to rise.

Potential benefits of telecommuting include saving in fuel costs and commuting time, an opportunity to work at your own pace, and an opportunity for workers to work in an undisturbed environment. There are, ofcourse, some problems. One problem associated with telecommuting is the strain on families that results when a family member works at home. A more common complaint is that at-home employees miss the interaction with co-workers at the office. At the head of the list, however, is this, from the telecommuters themselves: They work too much!

Commercial Communications Services

Users can connect their personal computers to commercial, consumer-oriented communications systems via telephone lines. These services-known as information utilities-are widely used by both home and business customers. Popular information utilities include CompuServe Information Service, America Online, and Prodigy. With any utility, you must take a few minutes to install the system software on your personal computer. Then, for, a fee, the world opens up to you via your computer.

Airplane show commemorating
Airplane show commemorating

These utilities each offer myriad services, including news, weather, shopping, games, educational materials, electronic mail, forums and financial information. Generally speaking, CompuServe is of greates value to sophisticated user and computer professionals, offering programming languages, America Online offers a superior, easy-to-use graphical environment, with mouse-controlled icons and overlaid screen windows. Machintosh or windows user are familiar with this type of wenvironment.

Charge for these services vary, Most charge a nominal sum for the initial setup software. These services offer some sort of ongoing package deal, usually a monthly fee that includes all basic services and a certain amount of connection time, with extra charges for extra time. People who live in populted areas can connect to the service through a long distance phone number, a disadvantage that can generate a shocking phone bill.
And there many online commercial services, in addition to the ones we mentioned here. The number of users-already approaching 10 million gros dramatically every year.

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