
The Beginning Feed Your Child

The First Milk For Child

Milk is best
Milk is best
There's no escaping the truth: Breast is best for infant feding, Breas-feeding is superior to any other method of feeding your newborn beacuse breas milk is ideally suited for baby"s growth and development, breas milk contain the "memory" of protection against manydiseases. That protection is the product of the mother own health experiences: year of combating life's inevitable bouts with viruses and bacteria. Mom's immune system has a memory bank of antibodies that she passes along through her breast milk.

Breast milk has many other advantages for baby. breast milk has a stimulating effect on baby's bowel. It's a natural stool softener, making it easier for the baby to pass the first stools, known as meconium that's way breast-fed babies have such "lovely" soft, mushy stools, often with every feed. If the mother has reasonable nutrition, her brest milk is rich in calories and perfectly balanced in nutrients. Second only to life itself, brest milk is the best gift you can give ypur child.

What kind of milk is best: the first milk, the midle milk, or the hind milk? all the milk is good for baby. The first milk, called colustrum, is highest in antibodies and fat. It's a thick, yellow milk, although sometimes it looks almost transparent. you migh call colustrum the "Creme de la creme' of breast milk. It's unmatched in function and importance. Then follow the " ordinary" milk, which looks like bluish milk.

Although it can"t be seen with the eye, the milk that baby sucks in the first few minutes is different from the milk that comes after a child has been sucking for a good fifteen to twenty minutes. The first milk is highest in fat and protein. For this reason, once breast-feeding is established, babies should be allowed to suck for as long as practical to reap the many benefits breast milk offers.

How Long to Breast-feed the Baby

It is best to breast-feed throughghout the entire first year of the infant's life, but the most critical period is the first three months. The baby's own immune system begins to kick in and learn to make its own antibodies at about the age of two months. At the same time, the amount of antibodies and immune factors that are transmitted through breast milk begins to decline. Dr.Paula's encourge mothers to continue breast-feeding righ into the period when solid foods will be introduced, at about five to six months of age.

What mommy eats affects breast milk quality

Since breast milk is a product of the mother, it is influenced by what the mother is eating. That includes medication and alcohol as well as foods. Tht can present a problem, especially if a woman has delayed a medical treatment or procedure during pregnancy and also wants to breast-feed. In addition, if breast-feeding mother smokes, the infant is "puffing" away getting nicotine as well.

Source; Dr. Pula's good nutrition guide

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